Commercial Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning
Our service offers a sensible alternative to expensive daily maintenance of carpets in commercial installations. The labor intensive cost of maintaining carpet and the expense of cleaning supplies such as powders, foams, buffing pads, and chemicals will be eliminated. Our thorough extraction cleans deep and leaves minimal residue. With our deep cleaning system, normally routine vacuuming is all that is required as interim maintenance to keep carpet looking their best.
Hospitals and hotels appreciate the quite operation. Banks, savings and loans, government facilities and other institutions that require strict security will like the fact that the system can be brought inside and the doors locked. There is absolutely no danger to occupants of the building from fumes or explosions. Our system is powered by electricity.
Our soap-free method eliminates soapy, sticky residue, the major source of rapid resoiling. Powders and foams from previous cleaning attempts are easily removed. Colors are brightened. The texture is restored by using just the right combination of pressure, temperature, and extraction to ensure that the fibers will be thoroughly cleaned without wetting the back of the carpet.
Furniture cleaning, upholstered cubical partitions, application of carpet and furniture protectors, treatment for severe odor problems, and cures for static electricity are all available services.
Strip Seal and Finish of Vinyl Composite Tile (VCT) Floors
Acoustical Ceiling Cleaning.
Construction Final Cleans.